Tryouts & In-Person Registration
Tryouts are coming up and maybe some of you are wondering if your child needs to try out or not. League Age 5, 6, and 7** year olds do NOT need to try out.
Mark your calendars: January 27, 2023, Ruso Field (Franich Park)
Here is the schedule:
9:00 am - Registration Begins
10:00 am - AA Tryouts
11:00 am - Majors Pitchers and Catchers Evaluations (If your child plays or wants to play this position, they must be evaluated by the coaches)
Noon - Majors Tryouts
1:00 pm - AAA Pitchers and Catchers Evaluations (If your child plays or wants to play this position, they must be evaluated by the coaches)
2:00 pm - AAA Tryouts
We know it is football playoff weekend so we will have a television set up with the games on while tryouts are happening. In addition, the snack bar will be open, and we will be launching our new PVLL store for some great swag.
**Most seven-year-olds play in the Farm/A division (coach pitch). However, if your League Age seven-year-old wants to play in the AA division this year, they WILL need to attend the AA tryouts on 1/27/24. **